Wednesday 15 November 2017

The fear of hackers

Hackers are often seen as somewhat reclusive and untrustworthy people. All that is needed is for the average user to be hacked one day to develop an irrational fear of hackers.
This is the case of a person I know recently, he is now retired teacher and never buy anything on the internet, installs antivirus, anti-spyware, anti pop-up and stress inevitably after all clicks on links that he judges suspicious . He even worries when a music does not start on his mobile phone. For him, it's the fault of a "hacker".
Although legitimate, this fear of hackers has no place to be when we know what we do and we know the risks. I am writing this article to reassure you if you have been hacked.

fear of hackers

Know from a statistical point of view that:

  • 80 to 90% of malicious programs run on the Windows operating system.
  • 90% of security issues are user-related and not system-related.
  • 90% of the attacks that may affect you do not target YOU specifically, but the Internet users are naive enough.
Let's take them step by step and comment:
90% of malicious programs run on the Windows operating system because it is the most popular , simply. This is the system that the average user uses. Average users are both easy and numeroustargets Not only is Windows the most popular system but it is very easy to develop malicious programs and find programs that are already done.
So you understand, if you are under another system such as Unix you have statistically less risk of being infected. But be careful, I repeat it so much that I made it a slogan: What is 99% secure is not secure.
Second point, 90% of the problems are related to the user himself . The system does what they are told, if they are asked to post the passwords and they give it to us, we see them. The user, contrary to what one thinks, also does what he is told , but indirectly because he does not do it on purpose or simply does not know it. It is himself who kindly lends his passwords for the hacker to use them freely. So you have to be suspicious first of all. And I will do many articles to help you be.
fear of hackers

Third point, 90% of the attacks do not target you specifically . The attacks are launched massively until the users I'm talking about in the previous point get caught. They are eventually launched against organizations, companies or specific types of users. In addition, note that the remaining 10% are the most dangerous attacks that just target you and are therefore often due to people who know you . How many times have I allowed victims to trace their pirate who was their "friend".
I will add that some phenomena, although difficult to explain, are not due to hackers because they are physically impossible to achieve . Music that does not start on a mobile phone just after clicking on a link without even connecting the phone to the computer is the typical example. Other phenomena are much more likely to be caused by a given and known problem , than by a "hacker" (eg a bug, a connection problem ... etc).
If you use Windows, take note of the article about Windows security . If you are a user of another system you are not immune either. Stay vigilant again because you are often the fault .
Pay attention to your old friends with whom you cut bridges, ex-spouses etc. If they manage to hack you, they will have more valuable information compared to a Thai who does not know you and does not even understand your language. it is also possible that overnight your best friend acts strangely and asks you to click on links. He may have been hacked , and the hacker may try to hack you later .
If you follow these tips, and if you remain aware, you do not really have reasons to become paranoid, I hope at least you have a reassured.

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