Sunday 12 November 2017

Internet security

Internet has the advantage of being able to reach all users of all systems. Indeed, all you need is a well-known browser and any plugins for anyone to access the net, even from a mobile device.
The threats on the Internet are still a little different from those that can be found physically on his computer.
They mainly concern everything related to the privacy of Internet users.
Few risks therefore to see all our files disappear after visiting a site.
On the other hand the numbers of blue cards transit, the passwords and in general all the data which one transmits since our keyboard.

Recommendations concerning websites:

internet security
Google now offers an encrypted https version to avoid interception of searches by a third party © mynetx
I might need more than a blog to detail all web-related threats, so I'll summarize the basics. Before any purchase, and even before writing anything that concerns us, we must check these points:
Is the site really the one I think? I'll talk about it in an article about phishing, there may be a fake website that looks exactly like a real site.
The site address (or URL) can not be the same, so check that when you connect to Facebook you are of course http (s): // and not on http: / www. who nevertheless would have the same look but would not be facebook. More and more sites are now leaving a small note before purchasing something to verify the URL before submitting the form.
In the same way, you can check the presence of the "s" before http in the URL when you want to make a so-called secure transaction. the https protocol will encrypt the data transmitted between your pc and the server, in order to make any interception of this data unnecessary.
Regarding PCs cybercafés, libraries and especially friends, friends and girlfriends, be sure that the pc on which you are not infected!
Very often, not to say always, the victims do not understand what happened: "I just connected once to my girlfriend but I never gave her the password or even to anyone. other! "
Well, if it was given to the person who had installed a malicious program or used a fake site, among others. Refer to the Windows Security article for more information.
In the same way, you can and must disconnect from all the sites to which you have previously connected. Never check the box Remember my password on a pc that is not yours.
Install ad blockers if you are used to being harassed with pop-up ads.
Install extensions like WOT to help you detect illegitimate sites.
Last point regarding the vulnerabilities of browsers or sites and other vicious exploitations:
Security vulnerabilities can be found in your browser or more often in the websites you visit. You can not do anything, you can just keep a critical mind on all the abnormal things that can happen. That is, all suspicious behavior against your personal data, such as sudden requests for card number confirmations.
Regarding the flaws of add-ons like Java DriveBy, here again keep your anti-virus up to date and check the veracity of the site by means of add-ons like Web Of Trust .


It is difficult and especially naive to want to present all possible hacking techniques related to security on the Internet. I therefore recommend in a general way:
  • Keep your browser and plugins up-to-date
  • Change your passwords regularly
  • Stay alert whatever happens

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