Sunday 5 November 2017

Learn to use Google

Far too many people do not know how to use Google . In other words, they do not know how to look for information. A good hacker must also know how to find information quickly and easily. It is essential . And that's why we'll see how to learn how to use Google .
It is possible to find 99% of solutions to all your problems and this article will explain how. PS: Avoid using Google for all things health.
For example, I am so bad in history that I do not even know who Vercingetorix is. I could, however, write a 30-line writing about who he was, what he was doing etc ... until I introduced myself as an expert in Vercingetorix . I do not even need to learn anything directly because I find everything about everything with Google.
"Yes, but you will not always have Google on hand! "
Quite, after that goes your own general culture. Everyone decides at least after school what he wants to learn or not, so you can summarize it with or without the help of Google.
The purpose of this article is not there.
I am going to talk about all those daily problems that could be solved so easily. It is the precious time of the one to whom you ask the question, but also and especially of your own well being.
By laziness or ignorance, too many people rely on their friends to solve their problems. While the precise, direct, well-argued and up-to-date answer can be found in 5 seconds. I'm not saying that you should not rely on your friends or even that I can not get any more questions whose answers are obvious, but frankly a lot of answers are there right before our eyes.
People do not even imagine how much I use Google for them .
Little note by the way:
"Yes, but if I do not know how it's written or what it's called, I can not find ..."
To resume my example on Vercingetorix, I type on Google " versingéix " and Google corrects me automatically with the real name. Try it yourself, you will see. It works as well for the accents (hotel is equivalent to hotel) and even with the conjugation:
Type " I made " and Google offers " I did" . Even if Google does not offer it, it can happen, you can still compare the titles of search results with your keyword. The titles correspond and come from known news sites? You surely have the right combination, look anyway on the chorus to be sure.
If you have doubts about two expressions, type them one by one and you will immediately see which is the correct one as the number of results differs.
Let's take a look at some of Google's cool features:
The calculator, the mathematical functions: (type the following phrases in the Google search bar) 
  5 * 8 
the result speaks for itself.
  x ^ 7 + 5 
pretty curve no?
  10mL in dm ^ 3 
you guess the result.
  10 dollars in euros 
the same.
Other tips in bulk:
  hours cinema 
to get the times of movies shown in cinemas near you.
to check the weather in your area directly.
to have information about your package.
To see other features I invite you to visit this link:
to learn how to commit suicide:
  how to commit suicide 
(Just to say that even there Google tries to help you, I quote: "If you need help, call France 01 42 96 26 26SOS Friendship")

Even more interesting

What will follow has existed for years but remains relatively unknown. This is called Google Hacking.
Replace EXPRESSION with what you want and Google will get that phrase exactly. So imagine what it can do for
  "Your password is:" 
(Note that Google now knows this and checks some of the results it returns.)
In the same style you can use the least to look for anything but the following term:
  hotel -paris 
With this expression you will search all the hotels that are not in Paris.
Also, you can use the keywords:


which allows you to search for the keyword in an url, in a page title or on a single site.
  hotel paris website:
I am looking for what speaks of hotels in Paris on the site And if I put just site: .fr I search on all sites with the extension .fr.
Finally, the asterisk which is the wildcard:
  "I do not know what I *" 
The results will match all the sentences that begin exactly with I do not know what I am and who will have any expression in place of the star.
You see here that I combined two techniques and that it works very well.


You now know that Google will give you the answers to your questions, that even if you do not know which graphics card to choose, Google will give you advice ( comparative graphics card ) and with experience you will simplify your life and you learn a lot more.

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