Friday 20 October 2017

Advanced search tips on google

Today we all access the network in a similar way, from the person who just started in this world of networks to the most experts. Going through an endless number of profiles. For the great majority to search in a habitual way without having to squeeze a little more the search engine is enough to reach its objectives. If you are reading these lines you will be interested to know how to go deep with the Google search engine when you are looking for the solution to your superconcrete problem that only you and a few more you have. The solution to this very specific problem does require techniques to tune the more the better.

What are the advanced search tricks on google?

In google we will find tricks both to filter by types of content (word files, pdfs, multimedia ...) how to where we want them to appear, whether in such a site of a url, whether in such a site of a link etc etc.
  1. Exact search of terms : the vast majority of users on the internet know how to perform this function. However, it never hurts to remember. If we look for in google:  
    course hacker
    will give us results how:   Advanced 
    Course of  Hacker  and computer security 
    We can observe that it puts us between words of the two that we have looked for. This is because we are asking for websites that have both the word hacker and the word course. But if we are sure that what we want to filter through sites that have the words together we will have to search with quotes: 
    "Course hacker" 
    Google will only present us those webs that contain the two words together: 
    This technique becomes quite useful when looking for program versions. Since we necessarily need the name to accompany the version.
  2. Use google as a crawler within a web . This technique can be useful when we know that a certain web exists a content but we do not remember which section it was. Many webs have internal search engines that the moment we could do this work, for others we can use this trick. Eg If I want to search  Tools  within  I can do the following search in google: 
    site: tools  
    Click here to see the search in vivo
  3. Search for specific documents.  We are often interested in looking for a specific type of document, for example let's assume that we are looking for a torrent to download the distribution of Linux Ubuntu Server. For this we would do the following search:
    "ubuntu server" filetype: torrent
    Click here to see the live search
  4. Use google as a dictionary. On some occasions while reading we find terms that we do not know their meaning. We could do a normal search of the term in Google and see what results it offers. But if we want to be more precious and save time, Google gives us the possibility of giving us the definition of almost any term. Suppose we do not know the term  Hacker . Well with this search google will give us the definition: 
    define: hacker 
    Click here to see the live search
  5. Exclusion of words in a search. On many occasions I've been looking for information on a topic and I've been bombarded with information that Google estimates is what most people want to see. In these occasions we can take an ace of the sleeve and avoid all the results that contain the term that messes up our search and distances us from what we are looking for. Eg suppose we are looking for information about a Justin, and google does not stop bombarding Justin Bieber. To tell google to stop doing it we just have to do this search:
    justin -bieber
    Click here to see the live search
  6. Use of synonyms . This can be useful when you have what you are looking for at the tip of the tongue and you do not get it. Usually I find it of little use. To use it just add the ~ symbol in front of the search term: 
    ~ hacker

  7. Find people for your photo . Since the proliferation of social networks many people have their public profile photo. So if we have a photo of someone and we do not know much about that person, we can upload the photo to google and with a little luck we will get their profile  on some social network. To do this just open:
    and click on the camera button to upload the photo you want to search. You would be amazed at the amount of things that can be discovered with this trick.

So far the basic part, now more technical use. Hacking with google.

  1. Access content not available . Many times it will happen that a server has fallen and the information that was available is not available. Thanks to google we still have a chance to access this information. For this we will use the CACHÉ . 
    Let's suppose that we have deleted the article on how to solve the problem of ad hoc networks in windows 8.1 . If you would like to log in again and have in your history the exact url you can ask google with this search:"article-url-here"
    This will also allow you to test if there have been any changes in the content and to demonstrate confusion that the content has changed.
  2. Identity concealment . Although google does not have the function to help us hide our IP from the webs that interest us if we can use certain functions to achieve this goal. How do you do this trick? Making use of google translator. Formerly it worked to translate of "Spanish" to "Spanish", in what was demonized technique of  Google like proxy . Today Google has realized and no longer allows it. So we are forced to translate from Spanish to English to be able to do this trick with Spanish pages. To only need to do this search:

    This way I order google to access to and me of the information of the site. That you will need to know a language other than Spanish for this trick.
So far this brief presentation on the search methods that our lifelong seeker   is able to perform. I hope you find it useful in your day to day life. Do not forget to share if you liked it.

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